Interactive Smart Admirror


We are pleased to introduce the latest addition to the Admirror family – our Interactive Admirror – that has been developed to allow your business to have a more engaging relationship with your customers.

The interface of each Interactive Admirror can be designed to suit your specific business needs. For example, if you are in the hospitality sector, you could get your customers to rate your business on Trip Advisor, or similar sites, you could use this product to get immediate feedback or ratings on the customer service experience; you could use the Interactive Admirror to encourage customers to vote for you, or indeed you could integrate this unit into your business to help improve your service offering.

In fact, the sky truly is the limit with this Interactive Admirror. You dream it and we can custom make an Interactive Admirror for your specific business needs.

Some possibilities of the Interactive Smart Admirror

  • Plan your reservation at the restaurant, breakfastservice, tennis court and many more options;
  • Give your experience/feedback about the quality of hospitality, kindness of staff;
  • Rate your experience of the store regarding assortment, experience, appearance;
  • Do a survey as desired;
  • Digital scale coupled to the mirror;
  • Integrate gesture recognition;
  • Install voice recognition;
  • An automatic link to social media or other accounts by means of an app or RFID token to interact with the appropriate platform (posting content on Facebook or Instagram, purchases of selected products, etc.);
  • Playing a mini-game;
  • A link between mirror and smartphone, using a special app to interact with the content on the mirror;
  • An AR (augmented reality) mirror, lowering a content about the user’s image;
  • A link to Google Maps, with hotspots in the area, provided with an interactive filter;
  • Specifying the user by giving interest / Answering questions Get an overview of corresponding locations / activities incl. Price information, reviews and opening hours;
  • A link to a weather satellite, showing the weather at a specific location;
  • Record video messages on a mirror and show them to other visitors;
  • Real-time video connection with another mirror.

Good to know:
Rate all of your guests what you want to measure;
Specify the target group, among other things, based on: male, – female relationship, age.